
We strive to ensure the learner voice and perspective is included in decision-making, and that we have an up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of the learner experience.  

  • We consult learners on all policies and projects.
  • Learners are involved in our core work on QA institutional reviews, QA guidelines, programme validation processes, and national quality enhancement initiatives.
  • A USI representative is a member of the QQI Board.


The National Student Engagement Programme 

QQI, in partnership with the Higher Education Authority (HEA), and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) launched The National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) in April 2016. QQI, the HEA and USI sit on both the steering and advisory groups as they continue to support the work of NStEP.  

NStEP aims to strengthen student engagement in decision-making across Irish higher education, supported by the Steps to Partnership framework. The unique feature of the programme is its aim to champion a strong culture of partnership between students and staff through practice-based projects, training and capacity building, all to inform policy. 


NStEP trained Student Quality Assurance Reviewers  

Supported by QQI and USI, the national Student Quality Assurance Reviewers pool is recruited and trained by NStEP to participate in institutional reviews and other programme related QQI evaluations. Institutions that require a student for a review panel can request a reviewer from the pool here.


Other partnership and collaboration activities with learners 

In addition, we work with learners through active partnership and collaboration with national student bodies such as: 
